About Us

  1. TOP
  2. About Us
  3. Philosophy and Principles

Philosophy and Principles

As a 100% subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, we engage in fair, sound business practices based on our Philosophy and Principles—including the Three Corporate Principles ("Sankoryo") that have served as the corporate Credo of Mitsubishi Corporation since its founding. To realize our Philosophy and Principles, we have established Corporate Action Guidelines to guide our corporate conduct, and a Code of Conduct for Corporate Officers and Employees which sets forth rules to be followed by every officer and employee.

Management Philosophy


Resource to Market

Become the Foundation of Industries


Realize the Maximum Value

Co-create Value with Partners and Enrich Society


Represent the Three Corporate Principles of MC

In addition to the Three Corporate Principles of Mitsubishi Corporation, we adopt the following values as our guiding principles.
① Value relationships with people
② Have a broad perspective
③ Challenge ourselves to reach heights

Three Corporate Principles

The Three Corporate Principles (“Sankoryo”) of the Mitsubishi Group were formulated in 1934 as Action Guidelines of the former Mitsubishi Trading Company, based on the 1920 teachings of Koyata Iwasaki, the fourth President of Mitsubishi. The same spirit and values remain alive today, having been passed down through a history of more than 150 years, and guide the activities of the Mitsubishi Group.

The Sankoryo of Koyata Iwasaki

Corporate Responsibility to Society "Shoki Hoko"

Resolve to contribute to society

Strive to enrich society, both materially and spiritually, while contributing towards the preservation of the global environment.

Integrity and Fairness "Shoji Komei"

Insist on fairness and integrity

Maintain principles of transparency and openness, conducting business with integrity and fairness.

Global Understanding through Business "Ritsugyo Boeki"

Be globally minded

Expand business, based on an all-encompassing global perspective.

(The modern day interpretation of the Three Corporate Principles, as agreed on at the Mitsubishi Kinyokai meeting of the companies that constitute the so-called Mitsubishi group in January 2001.)