Business Introduction

  1. TOP
  2. Business Introduction
Ferrous Raw Materials

Ferrous Raw Materials

Consisting of the Metallurgical Coal & Coke Department, Iron Ore Department, and Ferro Alloys Department, this division serves the Japanese steelmaking and coke industries by importing metallurgical coal, iron ore, and thermal coal (coal for electric power generation), as well as selling ferrochrome and other ferroalloys used in stainless steel and special steel.

Thermal Coal

Thermal Coal

The Division handles thermal coal, used mainly as fuel for electric power generation. Taking maximum advantage of the global networks of the RtM Group and Mitsubishi Corporation, it provides a wide range of services to ensure a stable supply of products to Japanese customers.

Base Metals and Aluminium

Base Metals and Aluminium

The Base Metals and Aluminium Division is made up of the Base Metal Department, Aluminium Department, dealing in raw materials such as copper concentrates, zinc concentrates, and lead concentrates, as well as refined ingots including copper, aluminium, tin, and lead. All of these are commodities that are essential not only for the growth and development of economic and social infrastructure, but also global initiatives trending toward a decarbonized or low-carbon society. Through the global Mitsubishi Corporation RtM Group network, we will contribute to the stable supply of raw materials and products to our customers.

Precious Metals

Precious Metals

The division’s precious metals business leverages the RtM Group's global network to stably supply rare precious metals to customers all over the world in a wide range of industries (e.g., automobile, petroleum, chemical).

Battery & Mobility Business

Battery & Mobility Business

This division, comprised of Nickel Department, Lithium Department,Rare Metals Department, Hydrogen Materials Department and Mobility Related Business Department, handles the components and raw materials used in electric vehicles and fuel cells which are essential for a carbon-neutral society, as well as next-generation digital products needed for DX. We contribute to achieving a carbon-neutral and next-generation digital society by leveraging the global industrial network of the Mitsubishi Corporation RtM Group to provide a stable supply of these materials and raw materials to customers around the world.